10 Common HVAC System Problems and How to Fix Them

Having a functioning HVAC system is essential for keeping your home comfortable. But, like any other system, it can experience problems. From dirty air filters to low coolant levels, there are a variety of issues that can arise with your HVAC system. To help you identify and fix some of the most common HVAC problems, here is a list of 10 of them. The most frequent issue with HVAC systems is a dirty air filter.

When the filter is clogged, the fan has to work harder to push air through it, resulting in increased power consumption and sometimes even a blown circuit breaker. To prevent this, check the filter regularly and replace it with a clean one before resetting the circuit breaker. Another common problem is when an air conditioner only produces warm air. Before taking any action, make sure that the thermostat settings haven't changed. If they are correct, then replacing the air filter is the first step.

Old and blocked filters are often the cause of frozen coils. Low coolant levels can also be an issue. To check this, look at the larger copper wire that leads to the system's capacitor. If it is damp and cool to the touch, then the coolant levels are good. If not, you will need to call an HVAC specialist to refill or repair the coolant tank. Uneven temperature distribution can occur when your air conditioning system sends hot or cold air to different rooms at different speeds.

This can be caused by various factors such as room size, location of ventilation grilles, windows, and outside temperature. Split-system air conditioning units usually last 10-15 years.

  • Dirty air filter
  • Thermostat settings
  • Low coolant levels
  • Frozen coils
  • Uneven temperature distribution
  • Noisy operation
  • Faulty thermostat
  • Poor air flow through ventilation grilles
  • Shock absorbers (duct dampers or volume balance dampers)
  • Energy efficiency
Noises such as whining, jingling or screeching may indicate that you need to repair your air conditioning system soon. If dirt has damaged the structure of the system, it may need to be completely replaced. When comparing air conditioning and HVAC brands and systems, warranties and SEER ratings are two important details to consider. We offer recommendations and products to help reduce your energy bill, increase indoor air quality, and extend the life of your air conditioning system. If you experience any of these issues with your HVAC system, contact a technician right away as unregulated water buildup can cause mold and electrical damage.

Poor air flow through ventilation grilles can also indicate several problems. By understanding these common HVAC problems and how to fix them, you can save yourself time and money in the long run. Regular maintenance is key for keeping your HVAC system running smoothly.